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Enhance workouts and speed recovery with this tasty tropical drink
When choosing a thirst-quenching summer beverage, more and more people opt for coconut water.  Whether you're feeling mildly parched, seriously th...
How prunes go above and beyond in providing unexpected health benefits
Prunes are perhaps best known for their time-honored ability to help people stay “regular.”  But to focus only on this obvious prune benefit is to...
New review shows this delicious natural food improves heart health
Whether served over toast, yogurt, oatmeal, or fruit, there's something irresistible about a golden drizzle of honey.  Fortunately for honey lover...
Sage: Can this aromatic herb unlock the secrets to wellness?
Did you know that plants from the genus Salvia have been used for centuries in traditional medicinal healing?  Part of the mint family, Salvia pla...
Black beans: Tiny gems of health and beauty with antioxidant superpowers!
Are beans healthy?  While some people may want to avoid eating black beans - such as people with legume allergies or certain medical conditions li...
The under-rated mineral behind healthy bones, teeth, muscles and nerves
If you asked people to list the minerals most important to health, calcium - crucial for bone formation - would probably be number one.  Potassium...
Optimize your mental and physical stamina (and crush stress) with this Arctic herb
If you’ve been feeling fatigued, anxious or “burned-out” lately, you have plenty of company.  The American Psychological Association reports that a...
From seed to superfood: Discover the nutritional power of microgreens
"Eat your greens." Some words of wisdom really never go out of style!  But even if you regularly eat veggies like broccoli, spinach, kale, asparag...
The unsung hero of the cabbage family: Kohlrabi and its impressive health benefits
Ever heard of kohlrabi?  Green or purple, this little-known vegetable packs a powerful punch of nutrients, including fiber and vitamin C.  And eve...
Protect your heart with this sweet spice
Cinnamon is more than a fragrant, sweet seasoning to enhance buttered toast, hot oatmeal, or creamy yogurt.  For centuries, this ancient aromatic ...
“Magnificent mini-bites” – 3 snacks to rev up your energy and mood
If you regularly indulge in a quick “nibble” between meals, you have plenty of company.  According to a recent National Health Nutrition Examinati...
The surprising stress-busting, mood-lifting benefits of holy basil
Basil - botanically known as Ocimum basilicum and also called “sweet” basil - is valued in Asian, African, South American, and Mediterranean cuisi...

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